LibreLatex v1.3



  • Addition of models without macro
  • Automatic definition of formula’s font size from the surrounding text (only with macro version)
  • Saving of latin font only : allows lighter files when only using latin font
  • Addition of letterhead and footer on each page to avoid formatting issues when using them
  • Dynamic definition of letterhead and footer’s size, allowing a smoother use

Improvements and corrections

  • Correction of the table’s definition trouble in the letterhead and footer (was creating display issues)
  • Correction of the principal title’s formatting when using line wrapping
  • White pages inserted automatically in the report version have been deleted
  • Correction of the formula font issue : the right font is available again (only for macro version)
  • Correction of the macro’s execution issue when the formulas are not inserted as character (only for macro version)
  • Minor corrections

LibreLatex v1.2



  • Models available in two new languages (german & spanish)
  • Models available for various country options to allow an optimal functioning of the LibreOffice’s orthography corrector (55 different country options)
  • Index formatting according to LaTex (object index, table index, image index, lexical index)
  • The distributed macro within the models are now signed to certify their authenticity and thus the user security
  • The models are tested as compatible with the “TexMaths” extension
  • Addition of complementary informations within the models property
  • Addition of the Librelatex’s icon within the models

Improvements and corrections

  • Correction of the font saving problem
  • Correction of the page number position
  • Corrections of the page margins
  • Improvement of the book models‘ page alternation
  • Addition of the missing tabulation on the page’s foot and header for a better user-friendliness (possibility to directly place the cursor at the center of the border of the page with a double-click)
  • Suppression of the “\uwave” and “\uuline” tag as these options were a duplication of the already existing short-cut of LibreOffice graphic interface
  • Suppression of the under-space within the style “ Table content ”
  • Grouping of the different size tags
  • Minor corrections

LibreLatex v1.1



  • Addition of the page numbers
  • Addition of the chapter and section’s title in the LibreLatex’s book heading
  • Addition of the pre-inserted tabulations in the headings and footers for a model’s easier utilisation
  • Addition of a detailed description (title, subject, key words and commentaries) of the license and website’s URL in the model properties
  • Insertion of the table of contents similar to Latex’s

Improvements and corrections

  • Correction of the formula’s display problem
  • Correction of the model’s default Page Styles
  • Renaming of the Character Styles’s “Latex” section into “LaTex”
  • Correction of the font size corresponding to the size tag : \tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge
  • Improvement of the footers’ finish
  • Correction of the part and chapter inversion
  • Improvements of the automatic page break management
  • Other minor corrections

LibreLatex v1.0


Initial version of LibreLatex’s files. Includes both the french and english version of the files.